Edward Abdill's Theosophy Website

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Three Objects of the Theosophical Society Ed Abdill's Upcoming free Zoom Theosophical Presentations

  • Sunday January 9, 2022 at 7PM EST (4 PM PST) - "In Their Own Words - Wisdom from the Mahatmas".
    This zoom talk is presented by the Seattle Theosophical Society
    Click here to register and to see description of this talk

  • Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 12:00 - 1:00pm EDT: "In Their Own Words- Wisdom from the Mahatmas"
    This zoom talk is presented by the Washington, DC Theosophical Society.
    Please email eabdill at nyc.rr.com for the zoom link and talk details.

  • Saturday, February 16, 2022 at 6:00pm EDT: "Desire, Inner Selfishness and the Theosophical Society"
    This zoom talk is presented by the NY Theosophical Society.
    Please email eabdill at nyc.rr.com for the zoom link and talk details.

  • Saturday, March 2, 2022 at 6:00pm EDT: "God, Evil & Occult Philosophy"
    This zoom talk is presented by the NY Theosophical Society.
    Please email eabdill at nyc.rr.com for the zoom link and talk details.

  • There are many free Zoom presentations; offered by the EuST: European School of Theosophy.
        For EuST zoom links, register with the EuST, or email: eustheosophy@gmail.com.
    For future and past EuST talks on Zoom, see European School of Theosophy

  • Ed's Recorded Theosophical Presentations
  • YouTube has many recorded talks by Ed. Click here to search www.youtube.com for talks recorded for Ed Abdill
    . Here are some of his recorded talks:
        Discovering the Inner Self
        The Masters and Their Letters, part 1 of 7"
        Hidden Meaning of Liturgy

  • Many of his theosophical talks are also available on the Eust and the TSA websites

  • Theosophical Classics uploaded these talks (presented live at Theosophical Society in America, Wheaton, Illinois. Click on the title to view.
        The Objects Unveiled, The objects of the Theosophical Society; should their wording be changed to suit the times? Presented 12/1/1990.
        Progressive Evolution - Foundations of the Ancient Wisdom, Part 4. A look at Theosophical theories from The Secret Doctrine and their useful application. Presented 4/15/1995.

  • Click here for highlights of Past Presentations by Ed Abdill

  • New York Theosophical Society  (NYTS)
    242 East 53rd Street, New York, NY  (Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues.)
    Currently meetings and presentations are via Zoom. However, the Quest Bookstore is now open
    (Take the "E" or "M" train to 53rd St / Lexington Ave or take the "6" train to 51st St.)

    Interview with Ed Abdill
  • Here is a link to a short interview I did with Dan Smolla, a past librarian at our Theosophical headquarters in Wheaton, Illinois, about my favorite books.
        Click here to view: Interview about Favorite Books.

  • Publications by Ed Abdill
  • "Masters of Wisdom - The Mahatmas, Their Letters, and The Path", by Edward Abdill was released on May 19, 2015 by Tarcher/Penguin. This paperback book is available at Amazon for less than the list price of $16.95 as well as for Kindle at Amazon-Kindle.  If you are on facebook, make sure to visit Ed's Author Page. Ed is also on Goodreads.
    Here is a picture of the book's cover. The eyes on the top of the cover are those of Mahatma Koot Hoomi and the eyes at the bottom are those of Mahatma Morya - full face portraits of these two extraordinary men are included in the book.
  • "The Secret Gateway:  Modern Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom Tradition", by Edward Abdill, December, 2005; second printing 2006. Published by Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House.
  • To view both covers of Ed's two books mentioned above, can find them side by side on his 'Author Ed Abdill Book' Facebook page or you can paste in the following address:  https://www.facebook.com/EdwardAbdill
  • Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom, a video course
  • Many articles by Ed Abdill have appeared in Quest Magazine, published by the TSA.
  • His article, "The Still Point Between Good and Evil" appeared in The Theosophist, published in Adyar, India.
  • Wrote the forward to Joy Mill's recent book entitled "Reflections on an Ageless Wisdom".
  • Webinars
  • All 5 presentations of the Webinar, "Discovering Your Inner Self and Your Dharma", will be available to view on YouTube at a future date.
    --2018 Webinar:
    On January 8, 15, 22, 29 and February 5, Ed presened a Webinar offered by the Theosophical Society of America in Wheaton, IL. This series of 5 classes was titled:  "Discovering Your Inner Self and Your Dharma".
    --Webinar Description:
    In Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass", the Queen says to Alice, "Remember who you are." But do we really know who we are? In this series, we will make an effort to discover our own inner self, which in Theosophical teachings is called the reincarnating ego. Then we will search deep within to see if we can discover the true purpose of our life: our Dharma. Within each of the five sessions, we will find clues that may help us to understand and follow the path to enlightenment. The weekly topics:
    1. Discovering Your Inner Self
    2. Dharma: The Lodestar of Life
    3. Synchronicity: A Gateway to Opportunity
    4. The Mahatmas, Our Brothers
    5. The Road that Leads to the Heart of the Universe
  • All 5 presentations of the Webinar, "Finding the Key in the Ageless Wisdom Tradition", is available to view on YouTube, click HERE.
    --2017 Webinar:
    On January 9, 16. 23. 30 and February 6, Ed presented a Webinar offered by the Theosophical Society of America in Wheaton, IL. This series of 5 classes was titled:  "Finding the Key in the Ageless Wisdom Tradition".
    --Webinar Description:
    In the Ageless Wisdom tradition, there are allusions to a key that leads to wisdom and freedom from human suffering. That key lies in certain universal principles that are the very basis of our nature. This webinar will point us toward the secret gateway that opens inwardly to the inner self. It will help us discover our own soul and distinguish it from the transitory aspects of our nature. If our search leads to new insights, we may find that our lives become joyful and worth living, even in their worst stages. Evidence, rather than beliefs, will be presented for consideration, and an effort will be made to induce participants to experience within themselves something of the inner reality that the Ageless Wisdom describes as the immortal SELF.
  • WebCast Talks and Online Lectures
  • On April 9, 2015, Ed gave a talk on the Mahatmas at the Theosophical Society in Red Bank, NJ   For those of you who might like to listen to this talk, here is the link:  Youtube.
  • USE THIS LINK - TSA - (Theosophical Society in America's Media Library) and then enter 'Ed Abdill' in the 'Search Media' box to link to one of Ed's webcasts or lectures that are listed and next click on your selection to view. Below are highlights of some of the selection of titles available.
  • Webcast of "Masters of Wisdom: The Mahatmas, Their Letters, and The Path" by Ed Abdill. This webcast of Ed's talk on February 13th, 2014 was given at the Theosophical Society Headquarters in Wheaton, Illinois. The talk "Masters of Wisdom: The Mahatmas, Their Letters, and The Path" is based on material from Ed's book (with the same title) that was published in 2015. Ever since Blavatsky introduced two of the Masters to the Western world - Mahatma Koot Hoomi and Mahatma Morya - there has been a great deal of speculation regarding them. Ed attempts to sort fact from fiction, highlighting some of their teachings.
  • Webcast of "The Secret Gateway" by Ed Abdill This webcast of Ed's March 2, 2006 talk given at the Theosophical Society Headquarters in Wheaton, Illinois. This lecture was based on his Quest Book of 2005 with the same title and Ed presents an easy to understand but insightful interpretation of the basic Theosophical concepts established in the late nineteenth century by the brilliant mystic, H.P. Blavatsky.
  • Desire and Spiritual Selfishness - In The Voice of the Silence we are told to kill out desire - yet surely it must have some purpose. If we look closely at the obvious and subtle forms of desire, we may discover both its purpose and the dangers that threaten our Inner Self.
  • Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom - A look at some key Theosophical theories from H. P. Blavatsky's great work "The Secret Doctrine" and their useful application.
  • Revelation, the Timeless Flash - Discusses the impact of spiritual revelation, what H. P. Blavatsky said about it, and its transformative power.
  • Spiritual Intuition and Inner Joy - This program contemplates the role of intuition in the spiritual life. It was given at the 125th Summer National Gathering of the Theosophical Society in America.
  • The Eternal Pilgrim: A Panel Discussion - This panel examines the true meaning of spiritual pilgrimage and discipleship. This program was given at the 125th Summer National Gathering of the Theosophical Society in America.
  • The Objects Unveiled - An overview of the three objects of the Theosophical Society; should their wording be changed to suit the times or not?
  • The Still Point Between Good and Evil - A presentation at the 114th Annual Meeting and Summer School of the Theosophical Society in America, questioning the existence of inherent evil and suggesting that it is we, as human beings, who are responsible for our experiences of both good and evil.

  • More Information
  • Ed is a national and international speaker for the Theosophical Society.
  • Click here for Ed's Background.
  • Click here to email Ed: EAbdill@nyc.rr.com
  • Useful Links
  • Current Events
  • Past Events
  • Ed's Background - a bio
  • New York Theosophical Society in New York City
  • Theosophical Society in America in Wheaton IL
  • International Theosophical Society in Adyar, Chennai (Madras), India
  • The Theosophical Society in America's Media Library in Wheaton IL
  • Other useful links

  • "THERE IS A ROAD, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a Road. And it leads to the very heart of the universe..."
    So wrote H. P. Blavatsky about the metaphorical road that leads to enlightenment.