About Ed Abdill - Background


Ed Abdill is a past Vice President of the Theosophical Society in America as well as a past President of the N.Y. Theosophical Society. He has lectured for the Society throughout the United States and internationally. Currently he presents courses on Theosophy at the New York Theosophical Society.

Ed is also author of "The Secret Gateway: Modern Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom Tradition", published by Quest Books in 2005. His highly anticipated new book, "Masters of Wisdom, The Mahatmas, Their Letters, and The Path" was released on May 19, 2015 by Tarcher/Penguin.

He has a Phi Beta Kappa degree in English and a Masters Degree in Latin American Studies from New York University. Ed and his wife, Mary, enjoy Scottish and English Country Dancing and are certified teachers of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. Ed plays the recorder and often joins his wife when she plays piano or concertina for English dances.