Theosophical Lectures and Classes
- - - Archived Schedule for Ed Abdill - - -

Logo for the Theosophical Society in America Programs at the New York Theosophical Society and Elsewhere

  • Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - Ed gave a talk at the NYTS members meeting (with non-members invited), titled: "Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom". This was the 4th of a 7-part course. Description: What happens to us when we die? In this presentation, Ed will provide some evidence that we survive bodily death. He will quote from The Mahatma Letters to let us know what the adepts have said about the after death state, and he will identify what it is in us that reincarnates, and what it is that does not reincarnate.

  • Sunday, February 9, 2020 in Middletown, New Jersey at the Red Bank Theosophical Society - Ed returned with the 5th part of his 7-part talk on "Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom". Description: Theosophy teaches that we human beings began our journey long before we walked the earth. We traced our journey through seven major stages, and saw some evidence that shows that we evolve from the subjective state within to the external state of the physical body.

  • Wednesday, February 5, 2020 - Ed gave a talk at the NYTS members meeting (with non-members invited) titled: "Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom". This was the 3rd of a 7-part course. Description: In this 3rd part, we discovered the seven aspects of our own nature. These aspects have been called our seven principles. By simply focusing our attention on each of these principles we are able to identify each within ourselves. We discovered our own soul and the universal spiritual principle in our own nature and are able to distinguish between the temporal and the eternal aspects of ourselves.

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2020 - Ed gave a talk at the NYTS members meeting titled: "Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom". This was the 2nd of a 7-part course. Description: In this 2nd part, we discovered how motion is the creative power of the universe, imbued with purpose and meaning. We saw that we ourselves are composed of modes of motion, partly given by our karma, and partly by how we set our subjective nature into modes of motion that determine our state of mind and our emotions, our sadness or joy.

  • Sunday, January 5, 2020 - The Abraxas Lodge of the Theosophical Society, 1563 Easton Road, Warrington, PA. The Abraxas Lodge hosted a talk on reflections of Dora Kunz, an amazing clairvoyant Theosophist. The title of the talk was Reflections of Dora Kunz and the speakers included Bob Fahey, Ed and Mary Abdill, and others who knew Dora. Highly recommended is her biography, A Most Unusual Life: Dora van Gelder Kunz - Clairvoyant, Theosophist, Healer by Kirsten van Gelder and Frank Chelsey. Passages were quoted from the book.

  • December 8, 2019 - Middletown, New Jersey - Red Bank Theosophical Society - Ed continued with the 3rd part of his talk on "Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom". Description: In this 3rd part, we discovered the seven aspects of our own nature. These aspects have been called our seven principles. By simply focusing our attention on each of these principles we are able to identify each within ourselves. We discovered our own soul and the universal spiritual principle in our own nature. We are able to distinguish between the temporal and the eternal aspects of ourselves.

  • October 20, 2019 - Middletown, New Jersey - Red Bank Theosophical Society - Ed returned to give the 2nd part of his 7-part talk on "Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom". Description: In this 2nd part, we discovered how motion is the creative power of the universe, imbued with purpose and meaning. We saw that we ourselves are composed of modes of motion, partly given by our karma, and partly by how we set our subjective nature into modes of motion that determine our state of mind and our emotions, our sadness or joy.

  • September 25, 2019 - Ed gave a talk at the NYTS members meeting (with non-members invited) titled: "Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom". See the blurb below for a description. This was the 1st of a 7-part course with future dates to be announced.

  • September 21, 2019 in Middletown, New Jersey - Red Bank Theosophical Society - Ed gave a presentation on "Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom". This was the 1st of a 7-part course with future dates to be announced. Description: In the Ageless Wisdom tradition, there are allusions to a key that leads to wisdom and freedom from human suffering. That key lies in certain universal principles that are the very basis of our own nature. This series helps us to discover some of those principles within ourselves and in our world. Evidence, rather than beliefs, are presented for consideration, and an effort made to induce participants to experience within themselves something of the Inner Reality that the Ageless Wisdom describes as the immortal SELF."


  • September 22, 2018 in Middletown, New Jersey at the Red Bank Theosophical Society - On the afternoon of September 22nd, Ed gave a talk about the new book he is writing. It is titled, "A Journey to the Real, Memoirs of a Theosophist".

  • October 29 thru November 12, and December 3, 2017 - Ed presented a Meditation Workshop on these four Sundays from 2 to 4 PM at the New York Theosophical Society.  Beginners and experienced meditators were welcomed.  This workshop was titled "Meditation is Not What You Think".  Description:  Want to feel less stress? Numerous university studies have shown that people who meditate feel less stress. Moreover, recent studies have shown that meditation changes the brain in significant, positive ways. Many say they would like to meditate but think they cannot do it. Most likely that is because they try to meditate for too long a period or use a method that does not work for them. In this workshop we will begin with three minute mental exercises that everyone can do and from which everyone can get positive feedback. Then we will deepen our meditation and add a healing meditation and a meditation to end resentment. Everything we will do has been tried and tested by many people from all cultures and traditions.

  • October 28, 2017 for the Theosophical Society in Red Bank, NJ.  Ed gave this talk at 15 Phillips Mills Drive, Middletown, N.J.  Also present at the meeting was Ananya Sri Ram Rajan, President of the American Sector of the Theosophical Order of Service,.who facilitated the meditation and was also available to speak on the services the TOS offers.
    -- The talk title was "Dharma: The Lodestar of Life".  Description:  The Lodestar of Life: Why was I born in a particular place and to specific parents? I may say that karma placed me here, and that may be true. But what am I supposed to do with my life? Is there a destiny or purpose unique for me? The Indian and Theosophical concept of dharma can help answer those burning questions.
  • October 15, 2017 at the Thesophical Society in Pittsburgh, PA. This public talk took place at Chatham University, 1 Woodland Rd, Pittsburgh and was titled "Dharma: The Lodestar of Life".  Description:  Why was I born in a particular place and to specific parents? I may say that karma placed me here, and that may be true. But what am I supposed to do with my life? Is there a destiny or purpose unique for me? The Indian and Theosophical concept of dharma can help answer those burning questions.
  • October 11, 2017 - Ed gave a talk at the NYTS members meeting (with non-members invited). The talk was titled: "In Their Own Words: Wisdom From the Masters".   Description:  Who are the Masters about whom we hear so much? Allowing two Masters to speak for themselves from letters they wrote to A. P. Sinnett in the late 19th Century, Ed Abdill will shatter misconceptions about them. The Masters will tell us who they are and what differentiates them from the average person. In their own words they will present some of their most important teachings, including their views on death and reincarnation, karma, science, the spiritual path, and more. Most importantly they will make it clear that the central purpose of their work is far more profound than most people can imagine.
  • April 11-14, 2017 - Krotona Institute of Theosophy, 2 Krotona Street, Ojai, CA. - Each morning on these dates Ed presented a course entitled, "The Road that Leads to the Heart of the Universe".  Description:  St. Augustine wrote, “Our hearts are ever restless ‘til they find their rest in Thee,” and H. P. Blavatsky told us of a road that leads to the very heart of the universe. Where is that road and where is the peace for which every heart longs? Through archetypal symbols in Christian scripture and with the help of Theosophical philosophy we will search for the road and the peace that passes understanding.

  • February 8, 2017 - Ed gave a talk at the NYTS members meeting (with non-members invited). The talk was titled: "Synchronicity: A Gateway to Opportunity".   Description:  Occasionally two apparently unrelated events occur simultaneously and yet those two events are related to something in our life at that very moment. Is it possible that those events may have some meaning for us, or are they a mere coincidence? Theosophical metaphysics may help to explain why those two events could be related and what they might mean for us.

  • January 25, 2017  - Ed gave a talk at the NYTS members meeting (with non-members invited). The talk was titled: "Dharma: The Lodestar of Life".  Description:  The Lodestar of Life: Why was I born in a particular place and to specific parents? I may say that karma placed me here, and that may be true. But what am I supposed to do with my life? Is there a destiny or purpose unique for me? The Indian and Theosophical concept of dharma can help answer those burning questions.
  • Ed presented a WEBINAR on January 9, 16. 23. 30 and February 6, 2017 that was offered by the Theosophy of America in Wheaton, IL. This series of 5 classes was titled "Finding the Key in the Ageless Wisdom Tradition".  Webinar Description:  In the Ageless Wisdom tradition, there are allusions to a key that leads to wisdom and freedom from human suffering. That key lies in certain universal principles that are the very basis of our nature. This webinar will point us toward the secret gateway that opens inwardly to the inner self. It will help us discover our own soul and distinguish it from the transitory aspects of our nature. If our search leads to new insights, we may find that our lives become joyful and worth living, even in their worst stages. Evidence, rather than beliefs, will be presented for consideration, and an effort will be made to induce participants to experience within themselves something of the inner reality that the Ageless Wisdom describes as the immortal SELF.


  • October 6-11, 2016 - European School of Theosophy - This year's European School of Theosophy was on "The Mahatma Letters, The Secret Doctrine, and The Path" and held in Salzburg, Austria at the Hotel Gasthof Doktorwirt.  On October 7 and 8, Ed gave a three-part lecture titled, "The Road that Leads to the Heart of the Universe", with follow up study sessions after each lecture.  Blurb: St. Augustine wrote, "Our hearts are ever restless ‘til they find their rest in Thee," and H. P. Blavatsky told us of a road that leads to the very heart of the universe. We may understand these two statements as being identical. Where is the inner peace we seek? What prevents us from discovering it? Blavatsky has given us some clues that might help us to find answers within ourselves.

  • Saturday, September 24, 2016 at the Theosophical Society of Buffalo at the City of Light Study Center (484 Connecticut Street) in Buffalo, New York. Ed gave a public talk titled "Synchronicity: The Gateway to Opportunity". Description:  Whether or not we call such events chance, coincidence, or synchronicity, nearly everyone is aware that at least occasionally two meaningful yet seemingly unrelated events come together in time. If we are convinced that such occurrences must be chance, that will end it. On the other hand, if we clear our mind of preconceived ideas and quietly reflect on the situation, we may get an intuition that will lead us toward new and more fulfilling directions in life.
  • During the July 15-19, 2016 - Annual Convention - Theosophical Society in Wheaton, Illinois. - The year 2016 marks the 125th anniversary of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's passing on May 8, 1891 and the Theosophical Society celebrated her life and contributions during its annual convention. Ed gave a public lecture from 2 to 3 pm (followed by a book signing) on Monday, July 18th. Ed's talk was titled: "The Road That Leads to the Heart of the Universe".  Description:  See October 6-11, 2016.
  • April 20 and June 1, 2016 at the New York Theosophical Society. - Ed gave a two-part talk at the NYTS members meeting (with non-members invited) that was titled: "Hidden Meaning in Christian Scripture and Liturgy"  The talk's description can be found in the listing immediately below.
  • Friday, March 4 and Friday, April 15, 2016 at the Theosophical Society in Red Bank, NJ. - Ed gave a two-part course discussing the topic of "Hidden Meaning in Christian Scripture and Liturgy".  Description: Hidden within Christian scripture and liturgy are esoteric gems of Theosophical truths. To discover them we need to consider that regardless of any historical accuracy both scripture and liturgy may be understood as myth and metaphor. In this program we'll examine Christian scriptures and liturgy in a new light, identifying archetypal images that reveal something about ourselves and the universe in which we live.
  • February 17, 2016 at the New York Theosophical Society - Ed gave a talk at the NYTS members meeting (with non-members invited) titled: "MYSTIC PATH TO INNER PEACE."   Description:  St. Augustine wrote, "Our hearts are ever restless 'til they find their rest in Thee", and H.P. Blavatsky told us of a road that leads to the very heart of the universe. We may understand these two statements as being identical. Where is the inner peace we seek? What prevents us from discovering it? We will explore primary Theosophical sources in search of the answer.
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  • October 7, 2015 at the New York Theosophical Society - Ed gave a talk at the NYTS members meeting (with non-members invited) titled. "God, Evil, and Occult Philosophy"Description:  What do the Masters have to say about God, evil, and the occult philosophy in general? Tonight we will consider these questions and others. We will also leave time for questions about the Masters and their teachings.
  • June 28, 2015 at the New York Theosophical Society - Ed gave a public talk at the NYTS, titled "In Their Own Words:  Wisdom From the Mahatmas".  Description:  Who are the Masters about whom we hear so much? Allowing two Masters to speak for themselves from letters they wrote to A. P. Sinnett in the late 19th Century, Ed Abdill will shatter misconceptions about them. The Masters will tell us who they are and what differentiates them from the average person. In their own words they will present some of their most important teachings, including their views on death and reincarnation, karma, science, and the path to adeptship. Most importantly they will make it clear that the purpose of their work is far more profound than most people can imagine.
  • June 24, 2015 at the New York Theosophical Society - Ed gave a talk at the Wednesday NYTS members' meeting (with non-members invited) titled "Death to Rebirth".  Description:  Is it possible that we survive bodily death? Theories range from that of total extinction to eternal life in some sort of heaven or hell. Near death experiences suggest that survival may be possible, but we have no conclusive proof. What do the Mahatmas have to say about life after death? Through their letters, we will let them tell us what happens to us from death to rebirth.

  • June 17, 2015 - Theosophical Society in Red Bank, NJ - Ed gave a talk at the members meeting titled "God, Evil, and Occult Philosophy".   Description:  What do the Masters have to say about God, evil, and the occult philosophy in general? Tonight we will consider these questions and others. We will also leave time for questions about the Masters and their teachings.
  • June 6, 2015 - Springfield Theosophical Society, Union Church of Christ, 51 Center St., Ludlow, MA. - After an Open House, Ed gave a talk titled "In Their Own Words: Wisdom From the Mahatmas".  Description:  Who are the Masters about whom we hear so much? Allowing two Masters to speak for themselves from letters they wrote to A. P. Sinnett in the late 19th Century, Ed Abdill will shatter misconceptions about them. The Masters will tell us who they are and what differentiates them from the average person. In their own words they will present some of their most important teachings, including their views on death and reincarnation, karma, science, and the path to adeptship. Most importantly they will make it clear that the purpose of their work is far more profound than most people can imagine.
  • June 3, 2015 - Theosophical Society Abraxas Lodge, 710 Gravelhill Road, Southampton, PA (near Philadelphia). - Ed was a guest speaker at the Abraxas Lodge at a members meeting speaking on "In Their Own Words: Wisdom From the Mahatmas". Description above.
  • May 27 thru May 31, 2015 - THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETIES in Milwaukee, Wheaton, Detroit, and Cleveland.
    - Milwaukee TS - May 27th at 1718 E. Geneva Place. Milwaukee WI. - Ed spoke at a members' meeting. The title of his talk was "In Their Own Words: Wisdom From the Mahatmas" - Description:  Who are the Masters about whom we hear so much? Allowing two Masters to speak for themselves from letters they wrote to A. P. Sinnett in the late 19th Century, Ed Abdill will shatter misconceptions about them. The Masters will tell us who they are and what differentiates them from the average person. In their own words they will present some of their most important teachings, including their views on death and reincarnation, karma, science, and the path to adeptship. Most importantly they will make it clear that the purpose of their work is far more profound than most people can imagine.
    - TS Headquarters - May 28th at 1926 N. Main St. in Wheaton, IL. - Ed did a live Webcast on "In Their Own Words: Wisdom From the Mahatmas". See the description above.
    - Detroit TS - May 29th at 27745 Woodward Ave, Berkley, MI. - The title of Ed's talk to members was "In Their Own Words: Wisdom From the Mahatmas". See May 27th for a description.
    - TS Headquarters - May 30th at 1926 N. Main St. in Wheaton, IL. - Ed did an afternoon Workshop on "The Steep and Thorny Road" - Description:  Like the Fool in the tarot cards, many of us begin life joyfully, completely unaware of the challenges that lie ahead of us. Most of us experience some joyful times in life, but we are soon confronted with painful experiences, some of which seem almost unbearable. Few ask why that is, but some search for understanding. Out of the few who search, an even smaller minority seek to discover the cause of suffering and live to eradicate it. Those few have entered on the steep and thorny road that leads to enlightenment. Why is that road steep and thorny, and how can we follow it to its summit? In this program we will begin by trying to shatter some of the misconceptions about karma and reincarnation. We will then consider what is required to pass through this vale of tears and tread the path that leads to adeptship and the reward past all telling, the power to bless and save humanity.
    - Cleveland TS - May 31st at 2215 Brookpark Rd, Cleveland, OH. - Ed gave a members talk titled "In Their Own Words: Wisdom From the Mahatmas". See May 27th for a description.
  • October 2014 through May 2015 - Theosophical Society in Red Bank, NJ. - An ongoing course at the Wednesday members meetings to discuss the topic of "The Steep and Thorny Road". "THERE IS A ROAD, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a Road. And it leads to the very heart of the universe..." So wrote H. P. Blavatsky about the metaphorical road that leads to enlightenment. (For a detailed description see NYTS below.) Dates in 2014 were: October 8, November 12, and December 10. In 2015 dates were .February 11, March 11, April 9, and May 13.
  • September 2014 through April 2015 - "The Steep and Thorny Road" was a once-a-month program on Wednesdays for NYTS members meetings (with non-members invited).  Description:  Like the Fool in the tarot cards many of us begin life joyfully, completely unaware of the challenges that lie ahead of us. Most of us experience some wonderfully joyful times in life, but we are soon confronted with painful experiences, some of which seem almost unbearable. Few ask why that is, but some search for understanding. Out of the few who search, an even smaller minority seek to discover the cause of human suffering and live to eradicate it. Those few have entered on the steep and thorny road that leads to enlightenment. Why is that road steep and thorny, and how can we follow it to its summit? In this series we will begin by trying to shatter some of the misconceptions about karma and reincarnation. We will then consider what is required of us to pass through this vale of tears and tread the path that leads to adeptship and the reward past all telling, the power to bless and save humanity.
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  • "Meditation Course" on Saturdays in 2014 at the NYTS (2-4 PM) on October 18 and 25, November 1 and 8. - This was a four session NYTS course for beginners and experienced participants offered at no charge (a free will contribution to the NYTS was accepted).  Description:  It has been clinically proven that those who meditate feel more energized and less anxious. In fact, meditation is now taught to patients in many hospitals around the world, and the practice of meditation is fast entering the main stream. Yet, meditation is far more than a stress reduction technique. It can harmonize the whole person, balance our moods, and sharpen our minds. More importantly, meditation is capable of awakening the Immortal Self. In this workshop we will learn techniques to bring harmony into our own lives and to project peace and healing to others.
  • September 23-26, 2014 (Tuesday thru Friday from 10 AM-Noon) at the Krotona Institute of Theosophy in Ojai, CA:  "Masters of Wisdom - The Mahatmas, Their Letters, and The Path" - The title of this program comes from the book Ed just finished writing which is due out from Tarcher/Penguin in Spring 2015.  Description:  This class draws on the Mahatma Letters to bring the Masters to life. We will shatter the misconceptions about them by allowing them to speak from their letters to say who they are and what differentiates them from the average person. We will bring out some of their most important teachings, including their views on death and reincarnation, karma, science, the path to adeptship, and more. Most importantly, we will make it clear that the central purpose of their work is far more profound than most people can imagine.
  • August 17, 2014 (Sunday) - Ed gave a public talk titled "Masters of Wisdom - The Mahatmas, Their Letters, and The Path" for GnosticNYC in NYC.  The talk was held at CRS (Center for Remembering and Sharing), 123 4th Ave (2nd Floor), between East 12th & 13th St. in NYC. The title of this program comes from the book Ed just finished writing which is due out in Spring 2015.
  • April 5 - May 8, 2014.  Ed and his wife, Mary, traveled to New Zealand and Australia to do a series of TS lectures.
  • --  From April 8 thru April 13 in Auckland, New Zealand - Ed conducted a course on "Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom".
    --  From April 15 thru May 8 in Australia - Ed lectured and conducted workshops in most of the principal cities of Australia including Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Launceston, and Hobart.
    --  Between the programs at Adelaide and Melbourne, Ed and Mary were at Springbrook, a Theosophical center in a rain forest not far from the Gold Coast. While there, Ed conducted a week program on "Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom".
    --  During this time, Mary lead a workshop on "Tips for Leading Workshops" in both Auckland and Springbrook. She also presented her "Spirituality in the Comics" program in Perth and in Springbrook.

  • February 12, 2014 (Wednesday from 7 to 8:30 PM) at the Theosophical Group in Chicago (Greenheart Center, 746 N. LaSalle Dr, Chicago, IL).  Ed spoke at their members meeting about "Dharma: The Lodestar of Life":  Why was I born in a particular place and to specific parents? I may say that karma placed me here, and that may be true. But what am I supposed to do with my life? Is there a destiny or purpose unique for me? The Indian and Theosophical concept of dharma can help answer those burning questions. By invoking dharma we can begin the search for Self-discovery, Self-mastery, and Self-fulfillment.

  • Earlier Years
    In past years Ed has conducted programs at branches of the Society throughout the United States and at several Theosophical camps, including the Ozark Theosophical Camp and Camp Indralalya. He has presented programs in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and England. In December, 2004, he and his wife traveled to India where Ed gave a talk at the International Theosophical Convention in Adyar, Chennai, and then directed the School of the Wisdom there during the month of January, 2005. His wife, Mary, also led a series of workshops on presentation techniques for Theosophists.

  • "THERE IS A ROAD, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a Road. And it leads to the very heart of the universe..."
    So wrote H. P. Blavatsky about the metaphorical road that leads to enlightenment.
